
Affichage des articles du mai, 2017

People with blue skin

A family of people with blue skin  lived in Kentucky for many generations. The Fulgates of Troublesome Creek are thought to have gained their blue skin through combination of inbreeding and a rare genetic condition known as methemoglobinemia.

8 vertus du miel et du citron pour la santé, les cheveux et la peau

Le miel et le citron sont deux ingrédients très utilisés de diverses manières dans le monde entier. En effet, ils s’intègrent dans de nombreuses préparations, et disposent tous les deux de propriétés bénéfiques pour la santé, ainsi que pour la beauté des cheveux et de la peau. La combinaison de ces deux ingrédients peut permettre de décupler leurs effets antioxydants et antibactériens, et de profiter de tous leurs nutriments. Si vous avez du miel et du citron chez vous, et que vous ne savez pas comment en profiter, ne manquez pas les 8 bienfaits de ces ingrédients pour votre santé et votre beauté, que nous allons vous dévoiler dans la suite de cet article. 1 Réduire la graisse abdominale et combattre l’obésité. 2 Combattre les problèmes des voies respiratoires. 3 Traiter la grippe et le rhume. 4 Purifier le tractus digestif. 5 Traiter les plaies et les piqûres d’insectes. 6 Éclaircir la peau. 7 Éliminer l’excès de sébum et les points noir. 8 Assainir le cuir chev...
10 Ideas to Help You Live a Better Life Living your life to the fullest takes time and dedication. Putting in the effort will take a little bit of self-discipline, but the rewards you will gain will be well worth it. Live your best life every day with these helpful tips. 1. Seek answers. Curious about something? Find out the answer. Enrich your life with knowledge and never be satisfied with what you know. Never think that you’re done learning or that you know everything that you possibly can. 2. Create something of your own. It can be inspiring to quote someone else’s words, or to be pumped up by someone else’s success story. But this is your life. What is your story? What do you have to share that’s yours? 3. Realize that easy isn’t always “right”. The easiest choice you face might not be the most obvious one. Sometimes, the harder route may be the most rewarding. And it may be the best one. 4. Love deeply, every day. Give your whole heart; love like you’ve never been ...

How come women always seem colder than men?

It’s certainly possible: After years of wear and tear, tendons and ligaments in your feet may weaken. This can cause arches to flatten, which means feet get wider and longer. It won’t happen to everyone, though—people who are overweight, who get swollen feet or ankles, or who have certain medical conditions, like diabetes, are more prone.

Do feet really get bigger with age?

It’s certainly possible: After years of wear and tear, tendons and ligaments in your feet may weaken. This can cause arches to flatten, which means feet get wider and longer. It won’t happen to everyone, though—people who are overweight, who get swollen feet or ankles, or who have certain medical conditions, like diabetes, are more prone.

Strange information???!!

The top of the Eiffel Tower leans away from the sun, as the metal facing the sun heats up and expands. It can move as much as 7 inches.
In Bali, babies are not allowed to touch the ground for three months. The Balinese believe that to keep the baby sacred, it is important to keep it off the ground for three months. During this time, the baby is carried around by its dad, mom, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, milkman... basically anyone with hands. Touch down happens only after 105 days.

Eating the baby's placenta!!!!??

Eating the baby's placenta In some countries, mothers eat their own placenta after giving birth to take in other nutrients that the placenta is known to have. This tradition is followed in China, Jamaica, and some parts of India.
 Wearing rings to have a giraffe's neck in Thailand Thailand's Karen tribe is fascinated with long necks and looks like they can go a long way to achieve them. Women from the tribe wear rings around their neck to get a large neck, which they find to be a symbol of beauty and elegance. Girls start wearing rings around their necks when they are all of 5 and more rings are added as they grow up.
Bathroom ban for three days after the wedding in Northern Borne Bathroom ban is another lame custom followed by the Tidong tribe from northern Borne. The couple are not allowed to use the bathroom till three days after the wedding. Yes, that means no urinating, defecating or bathing. The tribe believes that it leads to a happy married life. In case you are wondering how that is possible, the family ensures that the couple eats and drinks only small amounts.

Weird costum!!??

Throw the baby for good luck in India This ritual is mostly followed in Karnataka where newborn babies are thrown off the 50-feet high Sri Santeswar temple. Before you jump to a conclusion; the babies are obviously caught by the family in a cloth. Couples who are blessed with a baby after taking a vow at the temple follow this 500-year-old tradition. It is believed to bring good luck to the babies. Don't know about the babies, but I sure wish we could throw some politicians without catching them.

Do you know there is a championship for the funiest face!!

. A championship for making the funniest face in England This hilarious expression below is what gurning looks like and it is a rural English tradition celebrated since 1267. There even existed a World Gurning Championship in England in which participants make the most grotesque face possible. If you think this is a silly tradition, you couldn't be more wrong. Four-time world gurning champion Peter Jackman got his teeth removed to make his expressions easier. Talk about dedication!

Don't show up on time in Venezuela?!

 Don't show up on time in Venezuela Looks like Venezuelans are just like Indians! Reaching on time is considered rude in Venezuela and it is recommended to reach at least 15 minutes later than the scheduled time. Guests who reach on time are looked down upon as being too eager and greedy. Well, Venezuelans should take some cue from Indians!

Weird custom dancing with dead??

Weird Customs From Across The World That Will Make You Go WTF  In a world with so many countries, religions, tribes and customs, it is impossible for everyone to like everything. While we have come a long way since civilisation began, some communities are stuck with age-old traditions. While some of these may be mystical, others are downright lame. Here are some traditions from across the world will make you go WTF: - Dancing with the dead A funeral tradition followed by the Malagasy tribe in Madagascar, people literally dance with dead bodies as part of the Famadihana custom. After bringing bodies of ancestors from their burial place, they re-wrap them in fresh cloth and dance around the tomb to live music. The ritual is followed once in seven years, but has been in the decline of late.
The health Benefits of sport and physical activity Although research interest on physical activity and health dates back to the 1950s, the breakthrough in the scientific evidence on health benefits of physical activity largely took place during the 1980s and 1990s. There is an overwhelming amount of scientific evidence on the positive effects of sport and physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle. The positive, direct effects of engaging in regular physical activity are particularly apparent in the prevention of several chronic diseases, including: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, obesity, depression and osteoporosis.