
Affichage des articles du juin, 2017

Top surf beache

Supertubes, Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa In second place we’ve picked the right-hand ride of your life. J Bay offers long fast barrels off this intense point break and has plenty of choice with the bay divided into sections: Kitchen Windows, Magna Tubes, Boneyards and the mecca of all waves: Supertubes. Expert surfers flock here for rides up to 300 meters long. Getting there: Eastern Cape province of South Africa, about an hour’s drive southwest of Port Elizabeth

Dreamland beach

Dreamland Beach, Bali This once-hidden cove located on the Bukit peninsula was first “discovered” around the 1970s and has since become a top destination for surfers thanks to its great shore breaks. Though it has grown in popularity in the last 40 years and new resorts have cropped up, it still retains its hang-ten vibe with small shops and beach shack cafes like Kelly's Warung, known for its fresh juices, wraps, and smoothies.

Honopu place ever

Honopu Beach, Kauai, Hawaii Also known as Cathedral Beach, Honopu—like Waipio Valley—is quite difficult to reach. For starters, it’s not accessible except by water, so to get there, you must swim from an offshore boat, or from neighboring Kalalau Beach (a quarter-mile swim). But the trouble is worth it: Think cumin-colored sand bordered by soaring, vegetation-cloaked cliffs—and, most times, not a soul in sight. Fun fact: It’s served as a location on such films as Six Days, Seven Nights, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and King Kong.

Do you know..!!!


Les 9 principaux avantages des fruits et légumes.

Les 10 principaux avantages des fruits et légumes. 1. De nombreuses personnes souffrent de problèmes de poids, parce qu'elles mangent trop. Si vous aimez manger de grandes quantités, optez pour des légumes et des fruits. Ils contiennent peu de calories, beaucoup de fibres et rassasient rapidement. En mangeant beaucoup de fruits et de légumes, on mincit sans avoir faim. 2. La production de viande augmente les gaz à effets de serre. En remplaçant la viande par des fruits et légumes, on préserve l'environnement. Les fruits et les légumes, et surtout s'ils sont locaux et de saison, s'intègrent parfaitement dans un régime durable. 3. Au printemps, beaucoup de gens ont envie de se débarrasser de leurs toxines, à l'instar du grand nettoyage de printemps de leur maison. Les fabricants de produits "détox" font des affaires en or, alors que ces substances sont totalement inutiles. La meilleure façon de se détoxiquer est d'adopter un régime sain composé


-Asia is the biggest continents on the planet. -Asia has a population of 4 Billion people and 30% of Earth’s total area. -It nestles some of the most ancient civilizations like the Sumer civilization in Mesopotamia, which is 7000 years ago, and the Indus Valley civilization in India   is 6000 years ago. -The highest point on the planet Mt. Everest at 8,848 meters and the lowest point, the Dead Sea at -395 meters are in Asia. -Seven of the ten densely populated cities are in Asia -Shanghai, Beijing, Istanbul, Karachi, Mumbai, Guangzhou, and Delhi. -Just two countries – India  and China make up more than half the world population. -Nine of the ten tallest building in the world are in Asia. The tallest building happens to be Burj Khalifa in Dubai followed by Shanghai Towers. -Since it has some of the densest populated cities no wonder all the ten biggest Shopping Malls in the word happen to be in Asia. -China is the third largest country in the world, and it only has on